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Hiring In Movenpick Hotel(05 Pos)UAE

If your career goals include working for Movenpick Careers then we are here to help aid you through that journey. We have countless job opportunities that range from basic to intermediate and expert level, so you can surely find your right fit, based on your education, interest and experience. Generally hospitality vacancies require that you provide all services and products that a customer asks for. Please read through the eligibility criteria thoroughly before submitting your CV. Also, check if the job is up to your level i.e beginner, intermediate or expert before applying for it.

For More Updates on Hotel Jobs in Dubai and U.A.E Visit jobsjointer.com 

Hotel NameMovenpick Hotels & Resorts
Job LocationAcross UAE
NationalitySelective (Update)
EducationEquivalent Degree/Diploma
Experience1-3 years
Salary Range1000 – 5000 AED /- (Update)
Posted DateSeptember 6, 2024

Movenpick Careers Hiring Staff For Hospitality

Detailed Information Sheraton Grand Hotel Dubai

Movenpick was founded in 1973 by Ueli Prager has its headquartered located in Zurich, Switzerland. If we look into the history of an owner when the author of Movenpick opened his first ever restaurant in Switzerland with the large investment and was started to serving high-quality foods at an affordable price. With passing time, the restaurant was being famous and popular due to its high-quality foods and the diligent efforts that applied by the owner and his hard work staff. After spending so many days, months and years he built his own empire in the form of the hotel. In the end, he inaugurated his first hotel Movenpick.

List Of Vacant Positions (New Updates)

1 .Room AttendantRas Al KhaimahApply Now
2 .EN – Sales ManagerRas Al KhaimahApply Now
3 .Commis IIIRas Al KhaimahApply Now
4 .Kids Club EdutainerRas Al KhaimahApply Now
5 .BartenderRas Al KhaimahApply Now

How to Apply For Movenpick Careers

Movenpick Hotel & Resort with its signature care and value service, Team Members at hotel welcome guests in more countries than any other hospitality chain. Team Members enjoy a wide range of benefits including outclass work environment, special training and recognition, a lucrative career path and lots more. Join Movenpick Careers and apply on following vacancies available.

Applying Details For Movenpick Jobs

To apply, please apply on the below email ID.
Email ID: shyam.jeevan@movenpick.com

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